Starting point

Welcome to my first blog post!

I will write here about my International Development Research Project (IDRP) that I will conduct in 2019 for my last year of master at RMIT Melbourne.

For this project, I will work as an assistant at Flourish Girl which is an organisation based in Melbourne but operating all around Australia which focuses on “empowering teenage girls to become unstoppable women in today’s world”. My role will be to help and be by the side of the CEO and Founder Mandy Kota to develop her organisation through various tasks, mostly administrative, which will allow me to learn more about the business aspect of development and about what needs to be done as a CEO of a newly born organisation. My tasks will encompass administration, logistics and communication which I am sure will grant me new skills that will be very helpful in my future career.

I chose to work a Flourish Girl because helping women have always been a cause very close to my heart and it is for me an opportunity to develop this enthusiasm into something concrete and helpful for the society. I am actually very excited to begin this placement and very happy to have found someone like-minded to work with me and help me grow during this project. I am confident that I can learn a lot during my IDRP on the business aspect of development but also a lot about myself and the women surrounding me on a daily basis.

My first goal during this IDRP would be to learn and help as much as possible Flourish Girl to become an official non for profit organisation. It is going to be an interesting journey that will probably teach me a lot about the process of creating a new non for profit organisation. I am looking forward to learn the process as an insiders and living the whole journey with Mandy Kota. I will try to document it during my blogs later on!

For now, I am finalising the first semester and the paperworks linked to the IDRP in order to begin my journey. I will write a Blog Post about how I found this placement and what I needed to do to secure it, the whole process.

See you in my next blog!

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