My first experience in a classroom

Hello and welcome back to my IDRP blog,

Today, I am going to tell you about my first experience on the field as a development worker and my first time in a classroom where I wasn’t a student!

During my first days working at Flourish Girl, I had the opportunity to come help run a program at a school in Burwood. Very excited by the proposition but also a little bit afraid as it would be a completely new experience for me, I accepted.
Few days after, I am in the car with the other girls running the program, being briefed and told that everything is going to be great.
Fast forward the preparations of the room, the activities and the team, I am now facing 67 year 10 girls, helping running a program on mental health and well-being.

If I was really intimidated at first, the day and the program went very smoothly. I did well and the team was very satisfied with my work and even surprised how well I did for my first time! During the day, I discovered a new aspect of development that I never really was interested in : Working with children and/or teenagers. I never tried to learn more about it, but now that I know that I enjoy working with teenagers, I think that it could be a sector of development I could be interested in working in.

This experience taught me new skills, like how to be charismatic enough to be listened by teenagers, how to run activities without any troubles and how to manage the troubles. It was very interesting and challenging especially for someone like me who isn’t the most comfortable with public speaking. It loved discovering that aspect of myself that I didn’t know about and feeling that only one day taught me so much really motivated me for the rest of the journey!

In conclusion, it’s important not to be afraid of trying new things as it can teach us so much! And even if we are not the best at our first try, it is worth to try again in order to progress.

Thank you for reading me ,

See you in my next blog!

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