The conclusion of this journey

Here it is : the end of my IDRP. I have arrived to the end of the required 40 days placement on the 1st of October, but will continue working for Flourish Girl for few more weeks. During this placement, I learned a lot. I learned about myself but also about others, about development, about what it is to run an organisation and about new and existent skills.

Even tough I thought I would have more time to accomplish things within Flourish Girl, I can say that I am happy about the content I produced and the things I learned. My main goal when I began this IDRP was to find a placement where I would bring something particular to the organisation I would chose and at the same time learn from them. I wanted it to be a partnership where everyone could benefit in a way and it is what I found and created with Flourish Girl’s CEO.

First of all, I can say that I am proud of the content I produced on the organisation’s social media. It reflects both my vision and the vision of Flourish Girl and will most likely be useful for me in the future if I want to specialise in communication for example. I learned new techniques of communication as well as new theories as I combined my work with my “Stakeholders Relations and Emergent Medias” class.
I feel that I put my time there to great use as we both benefited from my existent and new skills.

In terms of new knowledge, I learn a lot about what is it to manage an organisation in development and I can say that it benefitted Flourish Girl’s CEO as well by giving her the opportunity to reflect on her position and vision. As I was her first employee (other employees are only casual workers) dedicated to the organisation, it provided her an experience to manage me and I could also learn from that experience.

Lastly, I would like to say that my IDRP redefined my vision of development and asserted some of the projects and visions I had in mind for my future career and life. I am now certain that I would love to work somewhere I can be useful to the women’s cause and in the development field. I also discovered that I wouldn’t mind, even like, working with young people such as teenagers.

I hope everyone’s IDRP this year has been great, full of discoveries and helpful for them!

Thank you again for reading me,

See you soon!

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